Never again. For anyone.


My sincere thanks for your generosity and “mitzvot” this year. Thanks to you, The Mitzvah Project’s message of “never again for anyone” is reaching more young people than ever before.

I am also deeply grateful to our new Mitzvah Project Teaching Artists. They responded to my call to use their talents, their passion for teaching, and the painful family histories of the Holocaust to open up hearts and minds of high school students across America. They’ll be hitting the road right after New Year’s — teaching The Mitzvah Project’s values of shared humanity, empathy and inclusion.

In these final days of 2022, please consider making a tax-deductible gift online to support our efforts. Every contribution — large or small — will help us make a positive impact.


*** To donate by mail: please make checks payable to PlayGround (add “The Mitzvah Project” in the memo section) and mail to: PlayGround, 3286 Adeline Street #8, Berkeley, CA 94703-2485. The Mitzvah Project is a fiscally sponsored project of PlayGround (Federal ID 94-3336399), a California not-for-profit corporation.


Thank you and best wishes for a healthy and happy New Year!

Photographs displayed at the Birkenau Museum of the many faces of the men, women, and children who perished at Auschwitz.

Roger Grunwald Signature

Roger Grunwald, Founder, The Mitzvah Project


The Mitzvah Project is growing.