Can tolerance be taught ⎯ and learned?
In these fraught, frightening and distressing times, The Mitzvah Project is redoubling its efforts to reach — and teach — the critical lessons of the Holocaust to as many young people as possible... with your help.
Upcoming high school presentations:
Taunton High School (Taunton, MA) – 2 presentations
Northgate High School (Walnut Creek, CA)
San Ramon Valley High School (Danville, CA) – 2 presentations
North Carolina School of Science & Mathematics (Durham, NC)
Arvada West High School (Arvada, CO)
Berkeley High School (Berkeley, CA)
Crystal Springs Upland School (Hillsborough, CA)
A Powerful Tool in the Fight Against Hate
Our teaching artists are helping students across America learn about the Holocaust and grapple with the corrosive impact of intolerance, hate, antisemitism and racism which can lead to incomprehensible acts of violence, brutality and murder of innocents.
The Mitzvah Project is a powerful tool in the fight against hate helping students see and understand the destructive influence of “othering” and the humanity of “never again for anyone.”
Students Share Their Thoughts
The following comments were made by students at Florida Southern College (Lakeland, Fl) and Sandalwood High School (Jacksonville, Fl) after Elijah Alexander’s presentations at the end of October:
“… The Mitzvah Project will make you reconsider who you are and teach you the true value of a single good deed...”
“… seeing someone reenact what it was like to be Jew in that time gave me a new perspective of how hard it was for the Jewish people.”
“… The performance taught me a lot about the lengths it took to survive this horrible event in history.”
“The experience was very emotional for me.”
“… It brings home the reality of the Holocaust.”
“Learning about [the teaching artist’s family] background helped show how real this was...”
“… A profound experience.”
“… My knowledge of the Holocaust grew exponentially.”
Since 2014, when The Mitzvah Project’s journey first began, we have brought our high engagement, Holocaust-themed, theatrical-educational program to more than 25,000 students at high schools and colleges across the U.S.
Broadway Actors Step Up
I am very proud of the professional actors – like Elijah – who have stepped up, embraced the program and trained as Mitzvah Project Teaching Artists. It has been incredibly moving to see young audiences immersed in The Mitzvah Project’s historically accurate on-stage journey – and I am so honored that our teaching artists are bringing the lived experience of the Holocaust in their own families to their performances and discussions with students.
Our Commitment
With your support we can continue to provide our high quality, high impact program *at no cost* to all public high schools through 2024 and beyond.
As we head into the season of giving, please consider a making a tax-deductible gift to The Mitzvah Project.
I thank you for being a supporter and friend!
It’s a critical moment to renew your last year’s support or make an additional gift.
And if you are a new friend, your first gift to The Mitzvah Project will make a real difference
Your donation may be a one year or multi-year gift and gifts may be designated as anonymous.
Many companies match tax-deductible employee contributions. See if your employer will match your donation!
Roger Grunwald, Founder, The Mitzvah Project